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Our Services

Children and their behaviors

Children are innocent, until messed up by people and their environments.  

With the correct intervention, this can be corrected.

I am experienced-based. I have over 30 years in working with children, parents, school systems, head start programs, and childcare centers.

My beliefs and practices come from my experience and training. I am unconventional and not a licensed psychologist.

“Get intervention in your life now, or pay with pain later….” Author Unknown

1. Consulting Sessions:

We are not scripted Psychologist or Psychiatrist. We are people who have experienced trauma and survived. We use personal skills to help you overcome issues that inhibit your greatness. We use Christ as a podium for healing not licenses. We are unconventional, everyday people, just like you.

2. We offer:

3. Our Early Childhood Department:

DCF Coaching Classes for 45 hours

4. Motivational Speaker:

Inspires Individuals To: